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Category Archives: administrative

As you can see, some updates are taking place. The old posts from 2009 will soon go away are gone, as they are no longer relevant to what this website is about. I’m not entirely sure what its going to be, but it should be fun. At least as a place for me to vent. Heh.

Basically, I’ll talk about whatever the hell I want to because it’s my website. If you don’t like that, get your own damn website. Of course science is a big topic that I’m interested in. There’s a lot of pseudo-science as well as non-science and I’m going to work hard to present the truth with facts about things we actually know about. You won’t find any voo-doo or woo-woo here.

I also plan to review cigars. I’ve never reviewed cigars before and I’m trying to have about one a week. We’ll see if that happens. It very well could.

I know one of the first things coming up to talk about: The new Cosmos series with Neil deGrasse Tyson! Here’s their Facebook page:

and website:

It debuts on Fox and National Geographic on March 9th, 2014. That’s a Sunday night, so you are likely to be home. Watch it. Learn shit. Be happy.

What else awaits on this wondrous wide web? 🙂